22 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini dirancang untuk pengembangan perhitungan integral menjadi sebuah produk aplikasi berbasis HTML. Sehingga dapat digunakan secara langsung untuk mendapatkan hasil perhitungan yang lebih akurat, cepat, dan mudah dalam menyelesaiakan persoalan integral pada materi kinematika. Bahasa pemrograman yang ditawarkan untuk merancang aplikasi ini adalah dengan HTML (Hypertet Markup Language) dan JavaScript. Aplikasi ini selanjutnya di ujikan ke ahli media dan uji pengguna, sehingga diperoleh hasil perhitungan diperoleh penilaian oleh validator pada aspek Functionality, Usability dan Efficiency masuk kedalam kriteria sangat bagus. Pada aspek Reliability  termasuk dalam kategori baik. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem aplikasi perhitungan integrasi numerik berbasis javascript dan HTML termasuk kedalam kategori sangat baik.Abstract: This research is designed for the development of integral computation into an HTML-based application product. So that it can be used directly to get more accurate, fast, and easy calculation results in solving integral problems in kinematics material. The programming languages offered to design this application are HTML (Hypertet Markup Language) and JavaScript. This application is then tested on media experts and user tests, so that the calculation results obtained by the validator's assessment on the aspects of Functionality, Usability and Efficiency are included in very good criteria. In the aspect of Reliability, it is in the good category. So it can be concluded that the numerical integration calculation application system based on javascript and HTML is included in the very good category


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    Abstrak Pembelajaran fisika khususnya pokok bahasan kinematika merupakan materi yang membutuhkan animasi untuk menarik perhatian siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini didasari dari hasil observasi di SMAN 115 Jakarta, bahwa pembelajaran fisika di kelas masih menggunakan metode ceramah dan menggunakan buku ajar. Sehingga peneliti melakukan penelitian yang  bertujuan menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan pokok bahasan kinematika berbasis Macromedia Flash Pro CS6. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan  metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Research and Development/ R&D). Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan adalah: 1.  identifiskasi masalah (observasi), 2. mengumpulkan informasi (interview), 3. merancang produk , 4. memvalidasi produk (ahli media dan ahli materi), 5. revisi produk, 6. uji produk. Hasil penilaian oleh ahli materi, ahli media, dan siswa SMAN 115 Jakarta sebanyak 97.22% ,95.24% dan 92.75%. Efektifitas media pembelajaran interaktif dengan pokok bahasan kinematika berbasis Macromedia Flash Pro CS6 ditandai dengan meningkatnya nilai fisika siswa. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa media yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang inovatif.Kata kunci: pengembangan, media pembelajaran, Macromedia Flash Pro CS6, kinematika

    Pengembangan Eksperimen Interaksi Cahaya terhadap Medium tentang Penentuan Kadar Besi (Fe) dalam Air Minum Isi Ulang

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    Pengembangan eksperimen penentuan kadar besi (Fe) dalam air minum isi ulang berbasis spektroskopi: tentang interaksi cahaya terhadap medium cair. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan cara menghitung nilai absorbsi dari larutan standar besi (Fe). Fotodioda terhubung pada interface LoggerPro dan akan terbaca pada laptop yang sudah terinstal software LoggerPro. Nilai yang terbaca pada LoggerPro berupa tegangan (voltase). Sampel yang diuji kadar besi (Fe) adalah air minum isi ulang dari empat depot di sekitar kampus UAD Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data diawali dengan menentukan panjang gelombang maksimum terhadap absorbsi larutan besi (Fe) menggunakan fiber optik dan software LoggerPro. Panjang gelombang yang diperoleh adalah 447,8 nm warna biru. Nilai kadar  besi (Fe) dalam air minum isi ulang dihitung dari gradien garis hasil regresi linier konsentrasi larutan standar besi (Fe )terhadap absorbsi. Nilai kadar besi  menggunakan fotodioda mendekati nilai kadar besi (Fe) dalam air minum isi ulang menggunakan spektroskopi. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan kedua metode bahwa nilai kadar besi (Fe) dalam air minum isi ulang dari berbagai depot masih di bawah batas standar PERMENKES 2010. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian produk, baik kelayakan dan keefektifan produk penentuan kadar besi (Fe). Angket sebagai alat uji dan respon pengguna diberikan kepada ahli pembuat alat, dosen dan mahasiswa

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Uno Stacko Pada Materi Fisika Kelas X

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    The UNO stacko game, is a game that is being loved by many people both of children and adults. In this study, The UNO game that will be developed is the UNO stacko game as a learning media. The UNO stacko game consists of 45 stackos with various colors and various command instructions. The colors in UNO stacko have five colors, including blue, yellow, red, green, and purple. Each color block is filled with test questions for understanding physics matter that are in accordance with the game instructions. Validation tests are carried out by media experts and material experts, where in each validation test there are several aspects tested. The average results from the results of validation tests of media experts and material experts regarding this interactive learning media were 88.19% and 88.69%. This percentage shows that interactive learning media that researchers make is included in good criteria. So this media can be used as a learning media that can be applied to physics learning for students

    Gumatere Dance from North Maluku as a Source of Physics Learning: Analysis of Ethnophysical Studies

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    Physics is widely implemented in Maluku’s regional dances. One of these dances is the north Maluku gumatere dance. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the concept of physical matter and gumatere dance. In the dance, there are various physical concepts, namely, momentum, impulse, GLB, sound, and elasticity. The research method used was a literature review with descriptive qualitative analysis. The data obtained were then analyzed, verified, reduced, constructed to scientific knowledge and interpreted to the concepts of physics. The results showed that the Saureka-reka dance can be used as a special physics learning resource in class X and XI SMA /MA. Regional dances can be implemented into physics lessons so that students can understand the concepts of physics well. Keywords: gumatere dance, ethnophysical, source of physics learning

    Developing Virtual Physics Practicum Module of Optic Based on Guided Inquiry to Improve Students' Science Process Skills

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    Science process skills are one of the competencies that must be possessed by students after attending physics learning. Science process skills can be obtained by practicum activities both in person and virtually. However, the availability of virual physics practicum modules is not widely available in schools, even though there are some materials that cannot be done directly.  Therefore, a guided inquiry-based virtual practicum module is needed to improve students' science process skills in learning physics. This development research using 4-D method (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). In the development of this module, the researchers only come to the third stage of the four stages. Validation results from experts get an average score of 86% interpretation which means that the module is included in the criteria worthy of use in learning even with the notes of experts to revise some of the components present in this module so that this module complies with existing standards. The results of the analysis of student responses to the practicum module obtained a total average of 85% with the category is "strong." This shows almost all the students gave a positive response to the virtual practicum module based guided inquiry. The development of virtual practicum modules based guided inquiry can improve science process skills of the students, with the average score of students‟ science process skills before using a virtual practicum module based guided inquiry of 2.63 and the average score of students‟ science process skills after using a virtual practicum module based guided inquiry of 3.3


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    ABSTRAKIndonesia yang memiliki wilayah sangat luas dan memiliki banyak pulau diiringi dengan keanekaragamannya maka Indonesia dikaruniai banyak kearifan lokal. Pelajaran fisika yang rumit untuk dipahami oleh siswa, karena fisika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang dibutuhkan pemahaman konsep antara teori dan penerapan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Penyajian guru dalam memberikan sebuah materi fisika dan mampu menciptakan suasana kegiatan belajar mengajar interaktif mampu memberikan kesan baik terhadap peserta didik dalam belajar fisika. Tarian daerah sangat kental dengan kearifan lokal daerah tersebut, salah satunya tarian khas Kota Ternate yaitu tari Soya-soya. Maka perlu dikaitkan dengan kegiatan belajar mengajar agar mencegah hilangnya pengetahuan peserta didik tentang kearifan lokal dan mampu mengimplementasikan materi fisika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maka perlu adanya pengembangan metode pembelajaran, salah satunya dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnofisika. Metode penelitian  berupa literature  review. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa kajian literatur. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap gerakan yang dilakukan oleh sang penari Soya-Soya dapat dikaji secara fisika dengan berbagai konsep fisika yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar fisika di sekolah yang mampu mengasah peserta didik menjadi kreatif dan mampu mengimplementasikan materi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata kunci: etnofisika; sumber ajar fisika; kearifan local; tari soya-soya. ABSTRACTIndonesia, which has a very large area and has many islands accompanied by its diversity, Indonesia is blessed with a lot of local wisdom. Physics lessons are complicated for students to understand, because physics is one of the subjects that requires understanding the concept between theory and application to everyday life. The presentation of teachers in providing physics material and being able to create an atmosphere of interactive teaching and learning activities is able to give a good impression on students in learning physics. Regional dances are very thick with the local wisdom of the area. One of them is the typical dance of Ternate City, namely the Soya-soya dance. So it needs to be related to teaching and learning activities in order to prevent the loss of knowledge of students about local wisdom and be able to implement physics material in daily life, it is necessary to develop learning methods, one of which is by using an ethnophysical approach. Data collection techniques in the form of literature studies and interviews. Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that every movement performed by the Dancer Soya-Soya can be studied in physics with various physics concepts that can be used as physics teaching materials in schools that are able to hone students to be creative and able to implement the material in daily life. Keywords: ethnophysics; physics teaching resources; local wisdom; soya-soya dance

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Interaktif Berbasis Macromedia Flash Pro CS6 untuk SMA pada Pokok Bahasan Kinematika

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    The purpose of this research is to: (1) produce interactive media with animated kinematics based subject of Macromedia Flash Pro CS6 for SMA and (2) to know the quality and feasibility of kinematics learning media product. The subject of kinematics in the subject of physics is abstract so that teachers and students need interactive media for teaching and learning activities and practice questions independently. The research method used refers to the ADDIE model with the research instrument using the assessment sheet by the material experts, media experts, and 10th grade students of SMAN 92 Jakarta and SMAN 115 Jakarta. The material of this research product is adjusted to the standard of competence by displaying GLBB animation, free fall motion, upward vertical motion along with its formulas, and practice questions. The results of the assessment by material experts, media experts, and students of SMAN 92 Jakarta and SMAN 115 Jakarta as much 98.61%, 93.75%, 92.17%, and 92.75%. Based on the tests that have been done can be concluded that the media developed eligible to be used as an innovative learning resources


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    Ideal condition in physics learning should combine concepts with technology. Traditional physics learning causes students to be not interested in learning physics. There must be innovations in physics learning to be more interactive learning. One of them flipped classroom learning. Flipped classroom learning combined with Kahoot online games will make students more active. The purpose of this research is to increase students' learning motivation with Kahoot-based flipped classroom learning. The method used in this research is the quasi-experimental method with the research design of The Randomized Post-Test Only Control Group Design. The research finding can describe as follows: First, the flipped classroom is learning the model that combines face-to-face with e-learning to improve students' motivation in physics learning. Second, Kahoot in a flipped classroom supported as an evaluation model. Third, three main steps in applying the flipped classroom are preparing,  implementing, and evaluating the design

    The Development of Animation Videos Based Flipped Classroom Learning on Heat and Temperature Topics

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    The ability to solve physics problems is still relatively low. Students more often directly use mathematical equations without performing concept understanding analysis. Therefore, learning strategies and media are suitable for physics learning. The purpose of this research is to develop interactive animated videos combined with flipped classroom learning models. This research uses Research and Development (R and D) methods, with 4D development models. The average validation test results are 90,91%, with a good category. So, the animation physics video can use in a flipped classroom. This physics animation video makes it easier for students to learn temperature materials and their changes without being limited by space and time. These physics learning animation videos are highly interactive and can explain abstract physics concepts and integrate with flipped classrooms